"...Even with a film such as Scarlett Johasson's Lucy, the budget was only $40 million, which on some sci-fi actioners I imagine is just the catering bill".
If this upsurge in interesting roles could just be transferred to the realm of film too, on a more regular basis, then cinema would be the next medium to richly swell in artistic kudos and ticket sales. But alas, big budgeted female lead roles are not common or likely to be for a long time and it is quite obvious as to why so many women we considered big screen actresses, have now defected to the small box. Even with a film such as Scarlett Johasson's Lucy, the budget was only $40 million, which on some sci-fi actioners I imagine is just the catering bill. Every so often we get a Gone Girl, Fatal Attraction or whatever Meryl Streep film to feed the masses, but they are far and few between. As for a black female lead in an action film, will that even compute in Hollywood? It seems cliche to say, but I will take delight in uttering it anyway, that the revolution will be televised, in fact the revolution is the television itself.