In NGB, Reacher finds himself coming to the aid of a Major Susan Turner played by Cobie Smulders (Avengers Assemble) who has, to reacher's surprise, been falsely accused of espionage. Although Reacher has never personally met the Major, his continuous phone correspondence with her, has given him an instinct about her character, that of which doesn't fit the criminal charge. So down the rabbit hole Reacher goes to investigate his suspicions and at the other end of the mystery, he finds murder, high level corruption and terror capitalism. NGB has a lot going for it. It has been scripted so that you could watch this entry without knowing anything about the character or plot from the first film and still derive as much pleasure as anyone else. Re-united with The Last Samaurai director Edward Zwick, Cruise and the production team have carved out a cool, sensible story with relevant and balanced scenes of action and emotional content. Where as with the Jason Bourne series I feel I am constantly watching the same film over and over again, NGB has its own identity and perfect restraint. Every action scene could have been bigger, louder edited more ferociously, but to the films credit - it wasn't. With NGB, what you get is a generic styled action drama, that knows exactly what it is, but takes the mature path in its storytelling every time. A Strong 7/10 |