I am very much looking forward to Star Wars VII and I, like most fans of the family drama often find myself fantasizing about being in a Star Wars movie. Of course some don’t go to the degree that I have, in which I have created my own character, with his very own backstory. If at any time, now or in the future you should need my creative services, all you need do is hit me up (you can find me on www.thatdudedlambert.com) and I’ll deploy myself to the set for intergalactic duty.
What follows is my character’s bio and of course; nothing is written that would be contrary to the existing Star Wars universe…unlike the tragedy of the Highlander series.
Name: Ama’Lon Dex
Planet: Sevris Prime
Species: Humanoid form - Kinth (Kinthians)
Kinthian Origin Story
Nobody knows why, but the Kinth are born physically blind, yet develop a natural ability to ‘see’ through their minds, using the force. Because of this, a Kinth child, by the age of 12 can see possible future outcomes at the same level as a seasoned Jedi master. According to an imperial experiment on the Kinth commissioned by Darth Plageis, the findings showed that within the Kinth DNA they had a natural, high level of Midi-chlorians, that would automatically work with the force without any concentrated effort.
Once a part of the official Jedi order, the Kinthians eventually became exiled from the council due to continuously acting on their greater foresight against the orders of the Jedi council. They were constantly at odds with the rest of the order because no one else was powerful enough to see as far ahead as them and therefore no one could verify the 'truth' of their claims of future happenings.
Exiled and now a law unto themselves, the Kinth are treated as a renegade faction by the Jedi and often feared like some boogie man story. And with an allegiance to no one but themselves, they are a force strong group, still skilled in the Jedi arts, but also in the Sith ways, their ethics do not see any difference between the 2 powers but the intention behind them. They know that Sith powers wear the physical body down, so they only use them in great times of need.
Skills and Weapons
In constantly being highly 'activated' in the force, the Kinth can reach a stage of interacting with multiple objects and people at the same time, they could for example assemble the components of a lightsaber hands free, whilst moving a speeder bike from point A to B all with their minds. They still use the conventional lightsaber but have invented a shorter version that they often use as a defensive weapon like how a musketeer uses a dagger with a rapier. They also have a lightsaber whip and are capable of seeing the energy trails of a Jedi, Sith or non-force strong person like a scent. Jedi leave purple trails, the Sith Red and normal people blue.
Their only known weakness, other than the animal ysalamiri which renders the force impotent in all Jedi, is the Rincenic Stone found in the Spice Mines of Kessel. This stone pushes out a counter energy that blocks the one that allows the Kinth to see through the force, making them powerless and therefore blind. HOWEVER...
In the case of Ama’Lon Dex, there is an anomaly in his force make-up. In having been born in an environment where Rincenic stones were prevalent for trading. His body when exposed his re-activates his normal sight, but his force power drops considerably, but can still call on it as an ally.
I could invent more to his mythology, but I don’t want to go over the top in his first appearance.
Perhaps I’ll see you on set ;-)
That Dude D’Lambert
There is nothing wrong with lens flare!