Somewhat like a Junior Starship Troopers, alien life forms have launched a massive attack on Earth, almost wiping out mankind and 50 years later they are set to make a comeback. The Earthlings, in the time passed, have put together a special combat programme that enlists and trains kids to fight the battles. The theory and use of children lies in that from birth to teenhood, a young mind can assimilate knowledge a lot faster, therefore if you train and feed it the knowledge you want it to learn, a kids mind can match that of and become superior to an adults.
"Ender's Game is quite a fascinating watch, the application of various psychological scenarios on to children is both disturbing and intriguing."
One such kid/mind is Ender Wiggin, believed to be by one commander (played by Harrison Ford) the Messiah of tactical strategy. Ender is therefore carefully watched and tested, to see if he can fulfil his potential and in passing a number of tests makes it as a commander. Ender takes the bugs a war that just might not be what it seems.
Ender's Game is quite a fascinating watch, the application of various psychological scenarios on to children is both disturbing and intriguing, but after Earth's first skirmish it makes perfect sense as to why a society could value this. The film itself has a glacial feel to it, cold and unfeeling - deliberately conceived I guess to match the times and attitudes adopted by the people in order to beat the threat.
Harrison Ford and Viola Davis both offer great support and are not there in token appearances. The other kids are credible in their roles conveying reality, the film Is worth a watch.
Rating 6.5/10