Racism 101 - the backing of your nation is partly required...a 'racist person' in a solo capacity (a low level street soldier) is someone who harbours a prejudice against a specific group/groups based on their race, ethnicity or heritage. But for them to be an effective soldier for that cause, they have to intrinsically know that they have the support of the group in power. Some people and organisations will support certain views in secret, usually by policy threaded through their infrastructure, some openly. But in general, there has to be a feeling that your standing is not incongruent to the thinking of the masses, otherwise stepping out would have you ostracised in seconds! There is also a very special importance that impartial members of the enfranchised group hold. That is, if members of this said group, that actually have a privileged place in society, don't actually care about the issue and consequently never do a single thing to oppose racism, then these innocent bystanders kinda give the whole saga a silent okay. Therefore the 'bravery' of a true racist, to approach a stranger on the street and dish out abuse is not courageous at all, it is a measured risk with minimum chance for capture or blowback.
To this day, I have not known of anyone stupid enough to go on holiday, where his/her people didn't exist in significant numbers or power and actively campaign racist rhetoric there. Can you imagine being outnumbered, with no internal support structure to protect yourself and trying to execute such a campaign. I'd imagine seeing the perpetrators of this foreign exchange meet with a pretty grizzly fate, very quickly. Even when the Ku Klux Klan go on parade to promote white power, they don't go to Compton or Harlem which as crazy as it sounds, would make sense. Yes, it would be suicidal, but nevertheless they would be facing their true opponents. Instead they promote their hate campaign to safe and mostly white enclaves and though other white people may wholeheartedly disagree with their beliefs, do you hear of any stories where white people have lawfully tried to stop them? Are they even allowed? No. So in the end the loopholes in the law, allow and condone overt racism. We know this because if anyone of colour did the same thing as the KKK, they would be labelled as a terrorist. You can't cover your face and hair up as muslim woman, but you can cover up as a white American, in a white uniform that is attached to a history of killing and torture. The hypocrisy is blinding.
In order for racism to work in any environment there has to be a consensus to make it part of the establishment. And whilst it will mostly be condemned in public, privately it is a well oiled machine. In order to effectively execute institutional racism, you have to control the main institutions by which all things are governed and established. A firm and continuous mandate of control must be kept over Law, Finance, Military, Media and Politics, all the sectors that the ruling body can't let too many of the oppressed demographic into, if at all. Those that control these institutions control the country. These 5 foundations are the towers of power for every country's infrastructure and therefore, it is essential that the power stay imbalanced for absolute rule. A perfect case of total domination was the former apartheid South Africa - racism enforced to the ultimate.
"...the accusation of reverse racism implies that green clan is supposed to be in the position of power - hiring and placing rank as if green is the standard that humans are cut from".
The Myth of Reverse Racism In A Work Environment
Imagine a building situated in the UK that houses a media empire, the building has 5 floors of power, with 5 different clans that work within it.
On the ground floor you have security reception and cleaners - they are all from the Black Clan.
On the second floor you have runners and researchers, here you have clans from Black, some from Brown, a few from Yellow, some from Green but the majority are from the White Clan.
On the third floor you have producers, associate producers, executive producers, writers and directors. 97% are from White Clan and you literally have 1 person that is from Black, Yellow, Green and Brown clan.
On the fourth floor you have the vice president, director of operations and head of global operations. All are from White Clan.
On the fifth floor you have shareholders, the CEO, and the founder all of which are from the White Clan.
As a member of the green clan, the majority demographic, can you really say that White Clan's hiring policy is practicing reverse racism? Think about your surroundings before you answer. Just about every other business in the whole of the country has the same structure, but employs Green Clan members - YOU. So in this silly declaration and ill-thought term, the accusation of reverse racism implies that green clan is supposed to be in the position of power - as if green is the first standard that humans are hired from and that their place as first choice is absolutley normal.
Why is it that Green Clan are not complaining about all the other green businesses, that hire a majority of green clan members - you know the ones that are excluding all of the other clans. I'll tell you why, because the current system leaves more doors of opportunity open for them and at the same time excludes the competition. But most importantly, it leaves that one group in control.
If the Green Clan majority wanted to, they could use the infrastructures that they control: law, government, finance, media and political power to shut the white clan business down. The White Clan doesn't have these connections to control or sustain a status quo of power anywhere, but within their own company. And that was White Clan's whole point in having to create a company in the first place - Green Clan industries were excluding them and other clans to such a degree, that they had to go and create their own representation (in all ways) just to survive. Institutional racism is deliberately non-inclusive. For lawful reasons they may have to fulfil a demographic quota, but beyond that, all doors are closed.
The Journalist who quit...
The Police...
The Police pt. 2
The Army