Where did the idea of the beach body come from? This one type of body that is permissible to be seen semi-naked. If you type in "Beach Body" on Google, you will find books, videos, online courses, fitness apps all ready to get you looking good...for a price. The beach body is code for 'good' 'acceptable' 'admired' 'loved'. In fact replace "beach" with the four alternatives and tell me if those sentiments are not what is trying to be expressed as the selling point. The truth is, there is no beach body, summer body, there is just the body. If you only workout and eat properly seasonally, to look better whatever the hell that is to you, then you have no real love for your body, what you have is the fear and contempt of being criticised or ridiculed. Ergo your painful, frustrating seasonal transformational missions are actually for the sake of other people, not yourself. The moment you give up on everybody else's standard and truly find your own, you'll find happiness and contentment through your freedom. I know, I know it sounds corny as hell, but as Chris Cornell sang "If you are free, you'll never see the walls."
Every so often, we hear a woman's individual story of defiance and non-compliance, in a rage against navigating the waters of beauty standard policing. But my wish as a unified front, is to see women attack the more insidious issue that is never really talked about - the subtle to blatant capitalisation of her body-misery, for profit. I CAN'T GET NO SATISFACTION For years I've often wondered why I didn't know a single woman that fully liked her body and it occurred to me that perhaps the obsession and constant policing from society at large, would drive any person to be overly critical about themselves. With such a razor sharp focus and a list of penalties to inflict and ridicule a person if they don't fit the annoyingly mutable standards, it's no wonder that some people have lost their minds in the attempt to be 'beautiful'. I say "person" rather than woman in the second instance because I have to acknowledge, that even within the male sector, though the gaze isn't just focussed so much on how we physically look, there is that pressure too. I myself have been turned down before for not being sexy enough or I should say a "sex on legs" type. But for the most part, men are measured on who we are amongst other men and what expensive things we own which is an ancient signal to being a resourceful provider, an attribute and ritual often found to work the same way in the animal kingdom. Men with a certain status are revered, whilst women with a certain body type (per culture) are praised and yes, this is initially to do with finding the best mate to procreate with, but beyond our hardwired biological responses to each other, we have to admit, we have gone crazy about our physical features and women receive and are forced to live with the worst of this physical mania. CREATE THE DELUSION, EXPLOIT THE DELUSION So where does the idea, of the ideal female body come from? I mean there are approximately 3.7billion women in the world, how do you decide from all the shapes and sizes that a body can have, that this particular form is the number one. And more importantly which council of nitwits are making these decisions? My belief for any standard existing at all, is for reason of profit, as there are products and services, within the range of beauty, fashion and body hacks that cover the ENTIRE female body - I mean literally from head to toe. Men in comparison are not held hostage to that part of their image so vehemently in comparison. So why is it that I as a man don't feel the need to have long eyelashes to seem more handsome? Because a man's natural delusion and path to being loved doesn't lie in the same box as a woman's. Our delusion is usually about a display of wealth and ownership - driving a nice car or wearing an expensive watch or having a good job apparently makes us somebody, that is how we make our body beautiful, those are our eyelashes. THE OBJECTIFICATION FACTORY It would seem that within the realm of womanhood, it is extremely important to sew discontent and destabilise any neutrality about the body. Every part of her must be subject to baring a fault that can be remedied with a product. Destroy her self-esteem and then offer the temporary and costly solutions to build it up. The 'assets' of a woman must be broken down with acute purpose so that there are several avenues of revenue that come from her: hair, eyes, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, chin, throat, neck, breasts, mid back, arms (biceps, triceps and elbows), hands, nails, hips, stomach/waist, bum, vagina, thighs, knees, feet, toes and skin. Would I be wrong in saying that there is a product or service (away from health care), that exists for all these areas of the body, that supposedly will make you look better? And just for fun, ask yourself if there are male equivalents. From panty girdles and wonder bras, to botox and contour techniques and plastic surgery. Everyone that markets these products, has to get you to buy into the false fact that you, as you are, are not good enough or you're just okay, but you could be improved. These manufactures are not providing solutions to real problems, they are creating the 'problems' and selling you a remedy. STAB THEIR SELF-ESTEEM The fashion industry has a similar practice that also works on low self-esteem. If you don't feel that you are of worth, then a highly praised label or item attached to your body is a step to upgrading it. And if a celebrity wears or endorses it, then the power-up is of a greater magnitude. The vanity of human beings knows no bounds, how do we know this? Well the most expensive belt in the world costs $249,000 (£192,246). People, hear me: if I was a billionaire, I wouldn't by a belt for over £20 unless it had some sort of application on it, on par with Batman's utility belt. But this is where our desperation fails us, we want to be accepted, loved and admired, but our fear of that absence drives us to operating within a matrix that is actually bonkers. Occasionally, people escape from the matrix and when they declare that there is another 'world' that we can all inhabit, free of pressure and shame, that person often gets ridiculed. You know I'm not making this up because you know about Alicia Keys who transitioned to being more natural with her face, dealing with her own issues surrounding her body and she got lambasted for it - mostly by women. How can you have a problem with someone who wants to display the face they were born with or rock the hair that naturally comes out of their own scalp? Like I said - bonkers. TRICK THEN TREAT(MENT) The whole idea of one perfect form is absurd all by itself - are all women really supposed to have a certain shape body, breast size, lips and a thigh gap...a thigh gap is that not one of the most ludicrous body goals to have for the sake of acceptance? If your thighs cause a horrible friction and irritation from rubbing, then I get the desire to make them thinner, but beyond that alleviation, it's a weird focus that no man would have even thought was a factor to anyone's beauty. Then again, as a man outside of the war zone, I do view the entire stage as an enforced competition with new focuses invented for further destablisation. What is the prize from this acceptance? Is there is a promise of admiration and love, but does it really work out that way? No because the opposite of love is fear and fear is leading your decisions. PROGRAMMING THE VICTIMS I am willing to bet, that you could pretty much ask any woman what she doesn't like about her body and she will reel off some list of answers as if she had rehearsed her response. Yet very often from the male perspective - we didn't even know that element of 'body design' was an issue and even more perplexing to us, is when the very things that a woman will list as her faults, are the very parts of the body that men are admiring to the point of objectification. Men are doing the Marty McFly (Back To The Future) head turns, full body pivot to take a second and third look at you, yet the overriding power is so powerful, that it can make somebody detest about themselves, all the things that capture admiration from others. Now that is serious societal programming. FEEDING FEAR INTO THE PSYCHE
Where did the idea of the beach body come from? This one type of body that is permissible to be seen semi-naked. If you type in "Beach Body" on Google, you will find books, videos, online courses, fitness apps all ready to get you looking good...for a price. The beach body is code for 'good' 'acceptable' 'admired' 'loved'. In fact replace "beach" with the four alternatives and tell me if those sentiments are not what is trying to be expressed as the selling point. The truth is, there is no beach body, summer body, there is just the body. If you only workout and eat properly seasonally, to look better whatever the hell that is to you, then you have no real love for your body, what you have is the fear and contempt of being criticised or ridiculed. Ergo your painful, frustrating seasonal transformational missions are actually for the sake of other people, not yourself. The moment you give up on everybody else's standard and truly find your own, you'll find happiness and contentment through your freedom. I know, I know it sounds corny as hell, but as Chris Cornell sang "If you are free, you'll never see the walls."
If it's a rule that doesn't work, if it's a method that escalates the woe, then perhaps you need to get rid of it. Here are 5 seemingly normal relationship practices you might be able to do without. Rules Were Meant To Be Broken... 1. Send Him To The Couch / I'm Sleeping At My Friends House I often wonder if some of our practices come from real life or a mimicry of art, in particular the TV soap. A dispute breaks out over some said issue, there is an argument, harsh words are said, in some cases, things that aren't meant, are flung out with ferocity and venom. Both parties are potentially in a fury and suddenly can't stand to be with each other and so the man is usually exiled from the bedroom, if he himself doesn't do it voluntarily or the women says she is staying elsewhere. The Problem And Solution To This I completely understand the need to cool down. And I understand that the continued presence of the person getting you riled up is not exactly helping. But I bet, if you had a dispute at work with a colleague, you would still have enough maturity to maintain focus on the objective and still work with them right? So within coupledom, 15mins of separation is enough, that is an actual rule you should employ. But a complete detachment after having such an emotional collision is a step into uncertainty. Now separated, you are probably going to want to know what the other person is thinking, what they are doing and what they are going to do. All of the things that should be in a conversation...that you now can't have. Currently hurt, you may end up doing something that you'll later regret, hey it happens. So I say, if ever there was a time, that you should want your partner to be close to you, it's 20mins after that argument. When you share a bed, you share everything, good and bad. An argument shouldn't have you retreat to separate corners throughout the whole night, until the next day! If your emotions are high, the place you need to retreat to is calmness - whilst the other person is still in your presence. Although hard to do, this is the higher practice. 2. He's The Man, So He Has To Lead...In Everything I know some men and women who wouldn't have it any other way and if it works - cool. But for some of us, it's bloody tiring. Can't we have a partnership? Even if it is uneven, there are plenty of men who don't mind occasionally riding shotgun instead. The Problem And Solution To This Personally, in order to have every decision and direction come from my partner and me be okay about it, I would have to see, that they had my absolute best interests at heart. And this would require them to know me inside out. To date, I haven't met that person yet. The good thing about sharing leadership, is that it grows an appreciation for what the other person has to go through. It also allows the other person to see what you are interested in, what you are capable of doing and it can even lead to you understanding them better. Imagine being the one who has to always initiates sex. One might think your partner didn't love you, as they never communicated that desire. On top of that, imagine always having to decide, what you're eating, where you shop, where you socialise, where you dine out, where you live, where the kids will go to school, where you will go on holiday. Good grief, you'd need 4 holidays a year to deal with the burden! Besides that, think of the boredom. I don't want a non-inputting, compliant robot-wife who just does my bidding, I want some interaction. This type of woman can bore a man, who really isn't trying to live some patriarchal, Stepford Wives fantasy. 3. Romance Is His Responsibility I put this after no.2 deliberately because it relates. It's kinda like a sub-section. I think I understand why this particular situation comes about, but after awhile, this rule has to be recalibrated. In the initial meeting of someone we are attracted to and want to get to know, it is the man, within our unwritten social rule book, that usually pursues the woman. It is the man that has to woo her, take her out and impress her. In our ultimate act, it is he that has to prep the circumstances for an engagement offer, an offer to ask her, to marry him. Due to this one sidedness, I think as a by-product, this mode sticks with us once we are a partnership (at whatever level) and by default it becomes his job to lead in the romance stakes. The Problem And Solution To This Just like no.2, the main problem is the one sidedness. Having someone take the time to prepare a special kinda something for you, is a really nice gesture that shows that they/you care...so why would it ever be down to just one person in the relationship? To give and give and give and receive nothing in return doesn't even happen in a crappy job, you at the very least get paid. If you are for a patriarchal structure, where the man buys and romances the woman all the time, then so be it. But when a man receives gifts from his woman, especially when there is no occasion for it, it means a lot. In the healthiest of relationships, you'll find that couples who both give, are more content and place a high regard on their partners needs. Ultimately what you are doing, is looking after each other and pushing for each other's happiness. 4. Constantly Taking Advice From Others And Not Acting On What Your Partner Said This is a little tricky because some people can't actually say how they feel. I'm fine, that's okay, go ahead are some of the deadliest terms you'll ever encounter. But the rule for me, the rule that I will give you from day dot, is that I will take you at face value. If you say something is 'fine' and really it isn't and I know it isn't, I'm still going to take what you actually said as the law because I expect a certain level of flippin maturity. Now, in the case of doubt, where you seek counsel from a friend, a family member or whoever, I understand that we all need advice from time to time. But remember, in the end, you have to come back to what was told to you, directly by your partner. Why on Earth a guessing game has to ensue after the fact, is beyond me. And why in the world does an external contact have more sway over your final decisions, regarding your interactions with your partner, is a mind-boggling, disrespectful premise that can lead to bad outcomes. The advisee wasn't in the situation to hear tone of voice, to feel the emotion, to understand the real time context and all that came before. They might not have even met your partner! So their judgement can be based only on the data you give them, with a limited understanding of everything else. The Problem And Solution To This If you are having to constantly go back and forth for advice, then there is a high chance that you don't actually understand your partner. This is the message you could be potentially sending out, when all of your decisions are based on somebody else's advice. The main source of everything you need to know about a said person, is surprise surprise - from that same person! Asking generic questions to your mates won't give them the essence of where your partner was coming from and giving them too much detail is a betrayal of your intimate lives. The best route to understanding, is to ask questions, garner how your partner feels, relay your own feelings and keep digging until you come to a mutual understanding. 5. Give Up Campaigns That Cause Friction
It's hard. Sometimes you see your partner doing something wrong and all you want to do is help with advice. But very often, that advice is delivered as if this improvement (and criticism) you have come up with, is going to be implemented immediately, whether they like it or not. Let us use 'healthy eating' as an example. You can clearly see that your partner's diet is going to hell. Instead of a gentle conversation, that could lead to further debate and a gradual change, you've come in to dictate a new diet mandate. Maybe you haven't noticed, but a lot of people don't like sudden change, especially when it is not on any terms that they helped to make. The Problem And Solution To This Though you have their best interests at heart, like all changes in life, a carefully considered process, an evolution into the next form is likely to be a better method. A quick turn around in the form of cold turkey or a revolution if you will, is a route to disaster! Maybe you haven't noticed, but withdrawal symptoms from a cold turkey exit are painful and revolutions usually involve bloodshed! So the process should first be a notification of the observation, then a small idea of incremental change can be suggested. Serve it up as something that you want to do together, make light of it, even make this new direction a joint venture, a new project for them and you. I believe you will see a lot more willingness to get involved, rather than comply or deny because of the spousal coercion.
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