It's not your fault or your lack of skills or experience either. It is something else that has been blocking your way to that new job you want, but now the secret algorithmic war you've been engaged in has been exposed!
So you've been trying to get that job with no success, you've sent application, upon application with no luck whatsoever. You might have reached the point where you're thinking that you're not good enough - well stop right there! You are good enough, but what you've got to do, is defeat the hidden enemy; the algorithmic sentinels that companies use to sift through CVs and shortlist people. The infographic below will explain just what you are up against and how the most boring CV, just may be the one that defeats all the barriers to success!
In the last 8 years, the dating landscape has tremendously changed and that change has come about through technology. The advent of dating apps, in our forever increasingly busy lives may be seen by some as a breakthrough in social interaction, providing quicker, easier and in the moment ways to connect. But can an avatar coupled with some minor information, really replace live interaction, feelings, pheromones and gut instinct of when you first meet face-to-face? It is more than fair to say; that not everyone is looking for that special one in their lives. Many people are looking to just hook up with anyone that takes their fancy. But in using these app services that seem to be aimed more for the sexual encounter, than leading to love, are we being naive about the possible social implications? Or are they completely harmless since many of these apps have secure confidentiality protocols? First of all, let's look at the apps that are out there, in order to determine how they could potentially get us in trouble.
Lets be straight, apps that focus on immediate hook-ups, could put you in immediate danger, you don't know who you are going to meet and you don't know the truth of their personality or mind state. Also, what these apps don't provide you with, is a sexual history, you may not mind sleeping with someone who has had 200 partners...this year, but if you land yourself with an STD you will not be pleased. Since a lot of these apps rely on Facebook friends and friends of friends, the 6 degrees of separation scenario may also come back to bite you, as you find out that you just slept with your bosses_________. How is that for compromising your professional career, as you learn the hard way, that the divide between social media and the rest of the world is not that big. To add insult to injury you could end up with a profile on Lulu where past conquests start conferring about you because they all know each other. APP PROS You will find someone to play with. You can go from having no plans whatsoever to an immediate date. You can meet people instantly. You can entertain yourself. You can build your self-esteem...sort of or actually confirm your miserable existence. Whatever you decide to do remember:
Having graduated from the Home Page, RC and IK are now embarking on their own blogging adventures to examine the world of social curiosities and romantic anthropology.
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May 2021